equipment for fish farming

Fish stock and Crustacea for UZV

 Mud mangrove crab. Молодь, diameter of a carapace is 3-4 cm. Specify the price and existence.

 Atiya's shrimp filtration organism Gabon. Молодь 1-3 cm. Specify existence and the price. 

 Yabba cancer "destroyer". Молодь 1-3 cm, adult. Specify existence and the price. 

 Asian marsh eel. Whitebait of 0,3-1 grams. Specify existence and the price. 

 Huge fresh-water shrimp of Makrobrakhium Rosenberg. Post-larva, teenagers, adults. Specify the price and existence. 

 Australian krasnokleshnevy cancer (AKKR). Молодь 1-3 cm, also adult. Specify the price and existence. 

 Whitebait of a tilapia of the Edition. Age of 28-40 days. Specify the price.